Add series

This is a quick overview, for the detailed documentation, refer to the Series documentation.

Log in to the TVMS, click My Deployments, select a CMS, go to Series.

It's better to add Packages first, so we can add series there. Package is a business unit that you will use in the product creation

Click the Packages on the left side menu, click Add Package, then the popup window appears. Specify its name and logo, then click Add Package.

Go back to Series, click Add Series, specify Series Name and upload a logo of 3:1 aspect ratio.

Another option is to search the series database. Specify a desired series name, click Search Series. In the next windows find a required series, click Add. Then the series will be imported.

As Series consists of Seasons and Episodes, to manage it go to Seasons tab on the right panel.

Click Add Season to add a new one. Specify mandatory fields are Title, Actors, and Year.

Then, fill in Description.

Do it first, otherwise you can't add stream URLs for series

To add episodes, scroll down and click Add Episode button. Specify its name, season and episode number, description, upload an image. Add so many episodes as needed.

Once the episodes are added, fill other fields, upload a season artwork.

The Search the season database feature imports all the metadata, episodes must be added manually.

Last updated