Add Series

Open the TVMS, click My Deployments, select CMS, go to Series, click the Add Series button.

Series properties

  • Series Name - the name that users see in the app

  • Add Series to Top - place a series on the first position

  • IMDB Rating


  • Logo - upload an image of 3:1 aspect ratio

  • Parental control - ask for a parental password to watch a series

  • Add Series - apply the changes

Add Season

Each series must contain seasons. Expand a series, click Add Season.

  • Select desired seasons, use navigation to see more items

  • Season to filter - a name of a required season

  • Click Filter to search for a required season

  • Check Select All to select all the seasons you see in the window

  • Check Add Season to Top to place selected season to the top positions

  • Click Add Seasons to apply the changes

Last updated