
Level is an educational business unit that you can add to your product.

Table columns

  • ID - a consecutive number of a level

  • Level Name

  • Childlock - activate a parental control

  • Kids friendly - available for Kids profiles

  • Store position - position in a row in the Education

  • Edit - change the name

  • Delete - delete a level

Add Level

  • Level Name - users see this name in the application

  • Add Level to Top - place a level first in a row

  • Logo - upload a picture of 3:1 aspect ratio

  • Parental Control - ask a parental password to open a content

  • Kids Friendly - available for the Kids profiles

  • Add Level

Add a year to a level

  • Add Year - open a pop up window

  • Year to filter - a field to specify a year name

  • Filter - search for a specified year

  • Select All - add all the years you see

  • Use the navigation bar below to see more years

  • Add Year to Level - apply the changes

Last updated