
Example File

To get the example import file, click the Download Sample checkbox, select Movies in the expanding menu, then press the Download Sample button. You can also get this file here:

The file content:

Using this file, you can specify such options, like:

  • Movie ID

  • Movie Name

  • Movie Duration

  • Movie Description

  • Movie URL

  • Movie Trailer

  • Movie Year

  • and many more

You may contact the MWare support team to help you to create this file.

Import the file

Open the TVMS, click My Deployments, select CMS, go to Import/Export, in the Select Operation click Import. Choose Movie in Select Datatype.

It is useful to switch Overwrite OFF and switch Fetch Metadata, Fill Trailer URL and Fetch Category Metadata ON to get additional info from the online database if you didn't fill this info in the import file.

You may switch the Overwrite toggle if you want to change the properties of the already added movies.

Then, click Select files... and upload the import file. If some required columns are missed, you'll see a warning popup. Specify the email box in which you want to get the import results email.

The import may take time, depending on how much content do you plan to import. Once it is done, you'll get an email, the movies will be shown on the Movies page.

Export file

You may also download the export file with all the movies information. Open Import/Export, in the Select Operation click Export, select Movies in Select Datatype, press Export Data. You can also choose a particular content in the Movie menu. Then you get the Excel file with content like this:

This is useful if you want to do a bulk update and reimport again to change properties for many movies. In this case, don't forget to use the Overwrite feature while importing.

Last updated