Apple App Store

In this article, you can find general information about what steps you need to complete to prepare your iOS (for iPhone and iPad) and tvOS (for AppleTV) apps for submitting on the App Store.

If you have not created your Apple Developer account yet, please see the following article.

Creating your app

To add a new app on App Store Connect you need to have an App ID created. The App ID will be created by our development team. Once it is created, you can continue and create a new app on the App Store Connect. We support iOS and tvOS platforms on the App Store.

Preparing your app for publishing

After you have created your app on App Store Connect, you can upload its information such as name, description, keywords, graphics, etc. Next, we'll describe only the mandatory steps you need to complete in order to submit your app for review.

You can start with the iOS and/or tvOS app version information. Here you'll need to provide:

  • App screenshots

  • Description

  • Keywords

  • Support URL

  • Copyright

Also, you'll need to provide App Review information:

  • Sign-in information

  • Contact information

All these items should be intuitive, but if you have questions, you can click on the hint icon next to each of these items in the App Store Connect to read more. You can find all graphics requirements in our article here.

Next, find the General section in the side menu on the left and complete the following:

App Information

  • Set up Content Rights

  • Set Age Rating

  • Select the category for your app. Select Entertainment as the primary category.

Pricing and Availability

  • Select the price. Most likely you are going to sell a service, but not the app itself. If so, select Free.

  • By default, your app will be available in all available regions. If you want to change it, you can do it in the Availability section.

App Privacy

  • Add your Privacy Policy URL

Last updated