
Resellers management tools

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Resellers table

  • ID

  • Name

  • Mobile

  • Customers

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  • Prepaid

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  • Details

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What is the difference between Postpaid and Prepaid?

With Prepaid you sell up front a number of Products with a single payment plan to your Reseller. He can then use this for adding new customers or renew a subscription. When his purchased inventory runs out he has to buy a new quantity of Products. This way you are in control more than with Postpaid.

With Postpaid you sell Credits (you have to add Credits as a Currency in CRM > Currencies and use this also when setting up the Reseller) The Credits you can sell up front as well. in your Product details in the payment plan, you can tell how many Credits you want for a product/payment plan you give the resellers access to the products they are allowed to sell. in this way, the reseller can sell any Product/Payment plan.

Last updated