System Users

Add a new user or check details of already added

Click Add User to add a new staff user.

Enable 2FA - enable two factor authentication.

Users table

  • Auth Token - is used for API operations

  • Username - email of a user

  • Roles - a role of a user

Add User

  • Email

  • Phone Number

  • Name

  • Address

  • City

  • State

  • Postal Code

  • Password

  • Confirm password

  • Select User Role - you can combine different roles by toggling:

    • Admin - grant all the rights

    • UIT - manage UI Toolkit only

    • CMS - manage content management system only

    • RPS - manage the reporting system only

    • CRM - manage the business system only

Click Back to List to return to the users list, click the Add System User to apply the changes.

Last updated