Add a new Reseller

Reseller Login

Specify login details for a new reseller

  • Email Address - email address of a new reseller

  • Password - set a password

  • Re-Type Password


Add business information of a new reseller

  • Company

  • Street

  • Zip

  • City

  • State

  • Country

  • Mobile

Reseller Settings

Here are the business settings of a reseller's business

  • Allow Advertisement - reseller can add advertisements

  • Allow Customer Login - reseller can create users with custom logins

  • Postpaid - make Reseller as a postpaid

  • Prepaid - make Reseller as a prepaid. Learn the difference between Postpaid and Prepaid resellers

  • Balance - set a Spending Limit for a postpaid reseller

  • Reseller Currency - choose a currency for a reseller

Click the Create Reseller button to apply new changes.

Last updated