Resellers details

On the Resellers dashboard, find a desired reseller and click Details. There you can check and manage its information and settings.

The reseller's balance is displayed in the blue row upon the details.


Reseller Login

The first thing is the Reseller Login information that shows Email address and Password that a reseller must use to log in to the TVMS.

Reseller Information

This is a reseller contact information that you can manage or use to contact him.

Reseller settings

  • Allow Advertisement - reseller can add advertisements

  • Allow Customer Login - reseller can create users with custom logins

  • Postpaid - make Reseller as a postpaid

  • Prepaid - make Reseller as a Prepaid. Learn the difference between Postpaid and Prepaid resellers

  • Add balance - add more CREDS to this reseller

  • Deduct Balance - deduct CREDS from this reseller

  • Reseller Currency - choose a currency for a reseller

  • Update Reseller - apply the changes


Add a new product to this reseller for further distribution.

  • Products - select a product you to add

  • Select Plans - select an available product plan

  • Reseller Discount - set a desired discount

  • Add Product - apply the changes


These two tables show reseller's transactions for the current month and its history.


Here you may customize the branding artwork and support information.

Upload UI Background Image and UI Brand Logo to provide a good customers experience with the branded artwork and set a Selection color that fits the pictures.

Specify a text in User Interface Support Page Information so customers will learn how to contact the company and get help.

Balance Log

This is a history of the reseller's balance - how many creds were transacted, when and for what.

Last updated