

Compose a message to a customer, then press Send Message. Customer read it in the Messages screen of the customers app.


You can put any comments you want about a customer. Click Update Comment to save it.

Customer Information

  • Reseller - select which reseller a customer belongs to

  • Dealer - select which dealer a customer belongs to

  • Customer Id - a consecutive customer number

  • Mapping Id - a number that a 3rd party billing may require

  • Title

  • Name

  • Lastname

  • Phone

  • Mobile

  • E-mail

  • Street

  • Zip

  • City

  • State/Province

  • Country

Client login

  • Username - a login that users use for logging in

  • Password - a password that users use for logging in. Press Create new password if needed.

  • Resend SMS - resend registration SMS with login information

  • Start subscription after login - start count days of use since today

  • Resend registration E-mail - resend email with login information

  • Cloud Sync - propagate the user changes to the cloud

  • Update Customer - save the changes

Last updated