Add a season

Open the TVMS, click My Deployments, select CMS, go to Series, open Seasons on the left panel, click the Add Season button.

  • Title - a season name

  • Actors - list of actors who participated in a season

  • Producer - a producer name

  • Director - a director name

  • Year - a release year

  • Duration - a season duration in minutes

  • Serietags - tags like Action, Comedy, Fantasy, etc.

  • Akamai Legacy Token, Akamai Token, Flussonic Token - content protection

  • Offline Viewing - allow customers to watch content offline

  • Enable PayPerView - enables the PPV rule for a season

Season Episodes

Click Add Episodes to open a popup window.

Episodes properties

  • Add to Top - place the episode to the top

  • Episode Name

  • Season Number

  • Episode Number

  • Episode Description

  • Episode Duration (in seconds)

  • Age Rating

  • Episode Crew

  • Episode Guest Cast

  • Episode IMDB ID

  • Episode Image

  • Click Add an Episode to save an episode

Repeat the steps so many times as it is needed.


Click the Add Description button to add a description to a season. Once you put the description, click Add.


Click Edit to set prices for watching a season in currencies available in the TVMS. Click Update to save the changes.

Additional settings

  • Language - set a language of a season

  • Rating

  • Serie Package - add a season to a series


  • Cover picture - must be of 2:3 aspect ratio

  • Background picture - must be 16:9 aspect ratio

Season settings

  • VAST URL - a link to a VAST advertisement

  • Enable Preroll Ads, Enable Ticker Ads, Enable Overlay Ads - activate advertisement options

  • Pin to UI home screen - make series visible on a home screen

Click Add Season to save the changes.

Last updated