Add a customer

Click the Add Customer button on the Customers screen.

Product Selection

  • Product - select a product you want to subscribe a user to

  • Currency - select a currency for a user

  • Subscription Length - select a subscription length that was defined during a product creation

Selected Product

  • Product - a name of a selected product

  • Payment - a period of payments

  • End Date - an expiration date

Extra settings

  • Send SMS - send SMS with a subscription information

  • Send Email - send Email with a subscription information

  • Start Subscription From First Login - the subscription starts from the first use

Customer Information

This is common information about a customer, specify real and actual information

  • Title - choose between Mr and Mrs

  • Firstname

  • Lastname

  • Street

  • Zip

  • City - specify a real city, otherwise, the weather applet won't work

  • State/Province

  • Country

  • Phone

  • Mobile

  • E-mail

  • Set Custom Username/Password - a user may have its own customer credentials. Check this box and specify Customer Username and Customer Password. Note that these credentials cannot be changed then.

  • Add Customer - click this button to save the changes

Last updated