Add a Product

Click the Add a Product button on the Products screen.

Product info

  • Mapping ID - this is a ID used for 3-rd party billing systems

  • Name - the product name

  • Subscription Type - can be either Trial or Regular

  • Start Subscription From First Login - the subscription starts from the first login, not from today

  • Geo Countries - select countries where a product is available

  • Payment Type - Subscription, Wallet, API.

    • Subscription is a basic SVOD business model when users pay monthly/annually

    • Wallet - to use creds for PPV content

    • API - all the billing transactions will be handled via API. Refer to the API guide to learn more.

Payment Plans

Click the Add Payment Plan to add price and length of subscription.

  • Plan name

  • Subscription Length - set a number of months/weeks/years/days

  • Product Price - set prices for currencies. Click Edit, set a price, then click Update.

  • Subcription Type - choose between months/weeks/years/days

Click the Add Payment Plan button in the popup window to save the changes.


Choose what currency is used by default.

User Interface

Set UI experience that users will see

  • User Interface - choose a UI for a product you add

  • Is RTL - the feature for the right to left languages, like Arabic or Persian

  • Max Devices - maximum number of devices that users can use with this product


Add desired content packages that must be already created before.

You can check the packages' content in its respective settings - open Packages for Channels, Movies, Series, Music, and Apps, then check what is included in each package.

Click Add Product to save the changes.

Last updated