Add App

Manual adding

Open the TVMS, click My Deployments, select CMS, open Apps, click the Add App button.

Specify the following options:

  • Name - e.g., YouTube

  • Package name - e.g.,

  • URL - a link to.apk

  • Icon - upload an app icon of 1:1 aspect ratio, PNG

  • Icon Tile - upload a tile picture

  • Description - give a short description

  • Pin to UI home screen - the app will be displayed at the bottom of the app home page

Press the Add App button to save the changes

Search in the app database

Specify the app name in the field (e.g., HBO), then press Search App.

Select a desired app. Some of Package names have hints like android_tv, so you can learn that this package will be compatible with TV remotes.

Click Add. Then, the app will be automatically added to the Apps list.

Last updated