Billing integration with TVMS

The Customer journey

This diagram describes the customer journey when taking a subscription of the operators service.

  1. Consumer visits website of Operator.

    Consumer Selects one of the products.

    Pays for the Product and now has a subscription

    Consumer and transaction is registered in Billing system

  2. Billing system register the new customer in the TV Management System (TVMS)

  3. Consumer gets a mail or text message from billing system with information about the Subscription and login details to access the Operators Service

  4. Customer goes to App store and download the Operators App

  5. With user name and password he logins

  6. App connects with TVMS to check if it is valid subscription and which product this customer used. TVMS approves login and customer can watch TV.

How to integrate a Billing System with the TVMS?

The following steps must be implemented to create new subscriber.

  1. Access of Billing system to the TVMS

  2. Synchronize Products

  3. Fill Web shop with Products

  4. Handle transaction & payment

  5. Ingest new subscriber in TVMS

  6. Inform customer about subscription and how to access Operators Service

Managing existing subscriber

  1. Renewal of the subscription

  2. Change Product

  3. Add extra Package

  4. Cancellation of the Subscription

TVMS is a multi-tenant platform

The TVMS offers Operators the facility to work with several deployments. As a result you can have several CRMs in the System and still work with one App in the App stores.

For example. Operator facilitates other operators that act as reseller. A service provider facilitates server companies with their TV service.

To connect subscribers to the correct Operator (= CRM) subscribers enter a service ID when they login before they enter Username and Password.

If Operator has only his own service, they don’t use this option.

About APIs

The correct APIs can be found in the API Connector of the TVMS of the Operator. If a field value is not used, please put 0

Action plan to integrate Billing system with TVMS

1. Create access of Billing system to the TVMS

API call: 
Documentation - https://{IMS_URL}/swagger/ui/index#!/AddCustomer/AddCustomer_addCustomerAsync_v2

Endpoint - https://{IMS_URL}/api/AddCustomer/addCustomerAsync_v2

Each CRM is linked to a CMS. The system can have more CMSs and CRMs. Each CRM has its own token. Name CMS: can be seen in TVMS Name CRM: can be seen in TVMS API Key: can be found in the CRM, Settings, Company info. Reseller ID (default = 0 in case of no resellers) Remark: Save all info in own database

2. Get Products

Goal: synchronize Product in TVMS and Billing System Be aware the every CRM had it owns Products with unique ID.

API call: 
Documentation - https://{IMS_URL}/ swagger/ui/index#!/GetProducts/GetProducts_getProducts_V2
Endpoint - https://{IMS_URL}/api/GetProducts/getProducts_V2

Name CMS: can be seen in TVMS Name CRM: can be seen in TVMS You get all Product information. E.g. product name, length of subscription, subscription start date Depending on how you want to use it in your billing system, the data can be used. Remark: Save all info in own database

3. Add products in Web shop of the billing system

Use the Products in your Web shop

4. Transaction and Payment

Handle this transaction in your web shop Customer selects product and pays for it

5. If successful transaction add customer to TVMS

Use Add customer API

API call: 
Documentation - https://{IMS_URL}/swagger/ui/index#!/AddCustomer/AddCustomer_addCustomerAsync_v2
Endpoint - https://{IMS_URL}/api/AddCustomer/addCustomerAsync_v2

It includes CMS name, CRM name, Product ID, Length, Send registration email (False) If billing system want to set username and PW It should included in the Add customer request Send registration email (False), because billing system sends mail Response from TVMS: Service ID, Username Password Remark: Save all info in own database

6. Customer gets information about subscription

Customer gets an email or text message with information about the Subscription and login details.

7. Renewal of Subscription

API call: 
Documentation - https://{IMS_URL}/swagger/ui/index#!/RenewCustomer/RenewCustomer_renewCustomerV2Async_0
Endpoint - https://{IMS_URL}/RenewCustomer/renewCustomerV2Async

Customer automatically expire at the set date (as defined in Add customer API) With Renew Customer API subscription end date can be extended If nothing is done, automatically expires and customer cannot login anymore

8. Change Product

API: Change subscription API

API call: 
Documentation - https://{IMS_URL}/swagger/ui/index#!/ChangeCustomerProduct/ChangeCustomerProduct_changeCustomerProductAsync_0
Endpoint - https://{IMS_URL}/api/ChangeCustomerProduct/changeCustomerProductAsync

9. Add or delete extra Package to set Products

This is only needed when an Operator sells product with option for subscriber to buy extra packages.

API call: 
Documentation - https://{IMS_URL}/swagger/ui/index#!/ExtraPackages/ExtraPackages_Add
Endpoint - https://{IMS_URL}/api/ExtraPackages/Add

10. Cancellation

Subscription end date is set to today Use the Change subscription API

API call: 
Documentation - https://{IMS_URL}/swagger/ui/index#!/CustomerSubscription/CustomerSubscription_ExtendDate
Endpoint - https://{IMS_URL}/api/CustomerSubscription/ExtendDate

Last updated