
This page contains tools for the customers management.

Add Customer

Customer status

  • Pending Account - account has been created, but still not activated

  • Trial Account - account has a trial subscription

  • Active Account - account is in use

  • Subscription Expired - account with expired subscription

  • Account Disabled - account can't be used by a customer

The left panel

Customers table

TVMS shows all the customers at the table.

Customers table properties:

  • Status - the customer status (pending, trial, etc.)

  • Firstname

  • Lastname

  • City - specify it correct, the weather shown in the app is based on the city

  • Username - it can be either digits and/or letters

  • Password - it can be either didgts and/or letter

  • Expire Date - a date when the subscription expires, the account will be marked as Expired

  • Disable/Enable box - make customer disable or enable

  • Trash - delete a customer

  • Details

Last updated