Create a product

Product is the most important business unit in the TVMS. This is a unit you can sell to customers, where all your content is consolidated, prices, and rules are set. End users can't use your TV application without a product, so this is crucial to have it set in a right way, otherwise, your business won't start.

This is a quick overview, for the detailed documentation, refer to the Products guide.

Click My Deployments, select CRM, click Products.

Click Add a Product. Specify Name and Subscription Type.

Pay attention to the Subscription Type switch. It cannot be changed once the product is created.

You can't change Trial to Regular and back for an added product, so it may cause a lot of troubles with your business.

It's better to create Trial and Regular products separately and add them both to a webshop.

Scroll down, click Add Payment Plan. Specify the Plan Name, the Subscription Length, Product Price (may be 0), Subscription Type, then press Add Payment Plan.

Then choose a User Interface, specify how many devices users may use with this subscription.

Select packages you want to include in the product. To learn more about content packages, refer to the Packages documentation.

Click Add Product to save the new product.

To learn more about products, refer to the Products documentation.

Last updated