Add a movie

Open the TVMS, click My Deployments, select CMS, open Movies, click the Add Movie button.

Common information

  • Title - a movie name

  • Trailer URL - a link to a trailer video file

  • Actors - list of actors who participated in a movie

  • Producer - a producer name

  • Director - a director name

  • Year - a release year

  • Duration - a movie duration in minutes

  • Movie tags - tags like Action, Comedy, Fantasy, etc.

  • Akamai Legacy Token, Akamai Token, Flussonic Token - content protection

  • Enable PayPerView - enables the PPV rule for a movie


  • Add Description - open a popup windows

  • Description - a movie description

  • Stream URL - a link to a movie video file

  • Subtitle - a link to a CC file

  • Search Subtitles - open a popup window

  • Movie Name - a full name of a movie

  • Search - search for subtitles in different languages

  • Once the subtitles are found, find a desired one, click Choose URL, then a subtitles link will be added. TVMS support both SRT and WebVTT subtitles, automatically imports SRT files from and converts them to WebVTT. Learn more

  • Add - add URLs to the TVMS


  • Currency - used currency in TVMS

  • Credits - price

  • Edit - edit a price

  • Update - save new price

Additional settings

  • Language - a movie language

  • Rating - a movie rating


  • IMDB Rating

  • Age Rating - may limit the content for different ages

  • Movie Packages - add a movie in selected packages

  • Movie Sub Packages - a nested package

  • Movie Categories - a nested category


  • Cover Icon - upload an image of 2:3 aspect ratio

  • Backdrop Icon - upload an image of 16:9 aspect ratio

Movie settings

  • VAST URL - a link to a VAST advertisement

  • Parental control - a parental password will be asked for watching a movie

  • Enable Preroll Ads, Enable Ticker Ads, Enable Overlay Ads - activate advertisement options

  • Pin to UI home screen - make a movie visible on a home screen

Click Add Movie to apply the changes.

Last updated