EPG Urls

EPG Urls is the page where the EPG sources are set. Specify URL to XMLTV file and its name, then press Save URL. After that, you can import EPG from Start Overall EPG Import or be Start Import if you want to import only one file.

  • EPG Name - the name of the EPG source

  • Url - the web source of EPG, must be in the format of XMLTV, may be gzipped

  • Save URL - save the changes

  • Start Overall EPG Import - start importing all the EPG sources you have

  • Start Import - import only selected EPG

  • Edit - edit the URL

  • Delete - delete selected EPG

You also can import EPG in My Deployments, click Import EPG, and Publish EPG. On the right side select Products and EPG.

Last updated