EPG Builder

This is a tool using which you can build your own EPG if you don't have one via URL.

  • Select Channel - select channels you want to add EPG to

  • Timezone in which Excel is built up - choose an appropriate timezone

Upload Excel file

You have to prepare the Excel file for uploading. Refer to the screenshot:

  • Program Desc - specify a description of a show

  • Title - specify a show name

  • StartTime - specify when a show starts

  • StopTime - specify when a show ends

Pay extra attention to the StartTime and StopTime - do not let it overlap each other. Also, you can't upload EPG for previous days, only for today and upcoming days

Feel free to download the Excel file:

Once it is uploaded, the following pop-up appears:

Click Yes if you're sure that the timezone is correct, click No if you're going to change it.

Check if the EPG is correct by scrolling down to the EPG table.

If everything is OK, click the Upload Custom EPG Data button.

Click OK.

Check the table with existing EPG data.

You can Delete a custom EPG or open the channels Details.

TV Guide tabs

You may open the TV Guide Local and TV Guide Cloud tabs to check the EPG.

If you don't see EPG in the customers app, then you can check Local vs Cloud and see the difference.

Don't forget to Cloud Sync the EPG

Last updated