Add Album

Common information

Specify the following options:

  • Name - the album bane

  • Artist - the artist name

  • Description - a short description of the album

  • Akamai Legacy Token/Akamai Token/Flussonic Token - the security options

  • Offline Viewing - to allow listening offline

  • Enable PayPerView - enable a music PPV rule

  • Kids Friendly - to not ask for a parental password for kids accounts

Songs & Prices

Click the Add Song button. Here appears the popup window:

  • Add to Top - place a song to the top of the album

  • Song Name

  • Song URL

  • Add

Repeat it so many times as it is needed.

In Prices, you set a price for an album in allowed currencies.

Access Rule and Cover

The default access rule is 24 hours.

Upload the album cover, it must be of 1:1 aspect ratio, PNG.

Click the Add album button to apply the changes.

Last updated